Starting from 2024, the world economy and situation are facing unprecedented variables, which makes investors turn their attention to more stable and risk-resistant investment products. In the field of Crypto assets, how can we reduce portfolio risks? In traditional industries, such as agriculture, how will we resist external risks and improve accountability and sustainability? These are the issues that Blocery’s ESG ecosystem is committed to solving.
Lower ESG risk, better market performance
According to a Morningstar research report
We can see that in major economic regions, the lower ESG risk portfolios commonly had better return performance in the subprime crisis, like the Greek crisis, and the US debt-ceiling crisis.
These results suggest that due to factors related to volatility, financial wellness, uncertain valuations, and economic advantage in low ESG risk portfolios, they provide enhanced defensive capabilities during challenging economic times — making them potentially more resilient to financial crises.
How will Blocery light the ESG ecosystem
With transparency increasing around ESG progress, our audiences have valuable insights into company efforts towards these targets through readily available data.
We’re curating a protocol at Blocery, enabling users and supply chain partners to connect over their respective ESG statuses.
Blocery is aiming at enabling users and supply chain partners to connect over their respective ESG statuses.
In Blocery’s ESG protocol, users will be divided into two parts, organizations and ordinary users. The entire protocol system will be based on blockchain technology, providing users with ESG data storage, certificates, points rewards and other functions to encourage users to participate in the ESG ecosystem. . Improving ESG adoption efficiency in agricultural supply chains area.
Currently, Blocery is committed to the research and development of testnet products. The first version of the product will be released on the Layer 2 network, including functions such as Mint ESG NFT and Stake BLY token, to attract the first batch of seed users for Blocery’s subsequent ecological development. This version of the product will be open to all users, and some Organization functions will be whitelisted to invite co-tenant partners in the agricultural supply chain field. This version will be launched in the second quarter of this year, so stay tuned. For more questions, welcome to the Blocery community to communicate with us.
To bolster Blocery and the ESG pass system, the team is contemplating the development of the Blocery chain to integrate the ESG pass system and ESG rewards. This entails future on-chain interactions for ESG pass holders. The Blocery chain will leverage either optimistic rollups or zero-knowledge rollup technology, aiming to mitigate transaction costs and establish a decentralized ESG pass ecosystem. Specifically, optimistic rollups offer scalability by bundling multiple transactions into a single batch, whereas zero-knowledge rollups ensure privacy by aggregating transactions while preserving their validity.